Ein Spaziergang über die grosszügige und verkehrsfreie Seepromenade, durchgehend direkt am Seeufer, vorbei an kleinen Bootshäfen und Spielplätzen, ist ein erholsames Erlebnis.

A stroll along Brienz’s scenic traffic-free lakeshore promenade, past small marinas and play areas, is a genuinely relaxing experience. The new water features provide fun and entertainment for visitors of all ages. Not many other Swiss lakes boast a promenade such as the one at Brienz. The original promenade was built between the years 1911-1915. But in February 1990 it was completed destroyed by a freak storm. During its reconstruction large boulders were piled up along the embankment wall to create a breakwater and, very soon, Brienz again had a new lakeshore promenade.

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